
GreenWave is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support and train new and beginning restorative ocean farmers, and provide infrastructure to support the emerging blue-green economy.

With a simple infrastructure of seaweed and shellfish growing together, these farms can produce food, fertilizer, animal feed, and sustainable biofuels, while having minimal aesthetic impact, and providing myriad ecosystem services.


Hiring an Alaska Reef Manager to Increase the Capacity of Alaska’s Indigenous Communities to Build a Just and Regenerative Ocean Farming Industry
Building off exploratory work in Alaska, GreenWave and local partners identified a multi-phase approach to protect Southcentral Alaska’s natural coastal resources and build sustainable economic opportunities for Indigenous communities. This multi-phase initiative would include support around community engagement, planning and permitting, training and technical assistance, data collection, and evaluation activities. In order to implement this work, GreenWave and the Native Conservancy have identified the need for GreenWave to add additional, local staff capacity to support work in the Spill Zone.
Amount $75,000
Year(s) 2020
Region Alaska
Primary Approach Allies and Key Projects
Seeding the GreenWave Reef: Year Two
Support to expand our hatchery operation to accommodate twelve farms, and improve upon the current technology to make the operation more energy-efficient and cost-effective.
Amount $25,000
Year(s) 2017-2018
Region US
Primary Approach Direct Action and Training
Seeding the GreenWave Reef
GreenWave is catalyzing a just transition for coastal communities in the era of climate change and growing inequality. We do this by training and supporting new restorative ocean farmers, building infrastructure to support industry growth, and leading research and development projects both locally and nationally.
Amount $25,000
Year(s) 2016
Region US
Primary Approach Direct Action and Training