UPROSE is an intergenerational, multiracial, multinational organization dedicated to the development of Southwest Brooklyn and the empowerment of its residents primarily through broad and converging sustainable development, environmental, and youth justice campaigns.

UPROSE aims to ensure and heighten community awareness and involvement, develop participatory community planning practices, and promote sustainable development with justice and governmental accountability.



Climate Justice Youth Summit
Our largest training is the annual Climate Justice Youth Summit. Our summit is the largest gathering of youth of color on climate change in the United States. In years past, we have organized over 700 youth of color to gather and discuss topics of climate justice including just transitions, renewable energy, the summit is planned and led by youth leaders that are trained in organizing at UPROSE.
Amount $15,000
Year(s) 2017
Region US
Primary Approach Direct Action and Training
Freedom Fighting While Defending the Earth: A Training for Trainers for Youth on Climate Justice and Just Transition
A project in collaboration with Watershed Center and Movement Generation: Justice and Ecology Project to conduct a five-day training for youth of color members of UPROSE, Brotherhood/Sister Sol, and Ironbound Community Corporation, and to deploy, develop, and deepen curriculum and facilitation on just transition and ecological justice
Amount $10,000
Year(s) 2015
Region New York
Primary Approach Direct Action and Training