Boston Ujima Project

The Boston Ujima Project is organizing neighbors, workers, business owners and investors to create a new community controlled economy in Greater Boston. We are challenging poverty and developing our communities by organizing our savings, businesses and customers to grow local wealth and meet our own needs.

UJIMA (oo-JEE-mah) is a Swahili word, and the Kwanzaa principle for “collective work and responsibility”. Ujima inspires us to take responsibility for our communities, to see our neighbor’s problems as our own, and to build collective power to solve them together. The Ujima Project demonstrates new ways to invest, work, buy, own, and advocate. We are driven by a belief that another world possible, and that we can help build it today.


General Operations
Ujima Boston is organizing local economy stakeholders based in Boston’s low income communities of color in a democratically governed, mass organization. The Ujima Project harnesses a spirit of solidarity to model new ways to cooperatively invest, work, buy, own, and advocate.
Amount $25,000
Year(s) 2016-2017
Region Massachusetts
Primary Approach Collaboration and Movement Building