Appalshop uses cultural organizing and place-based media, arts, and education to advance social justice, environmental sustainability, and economic equity.
Located in the central Appalachian coalfields in Whitesburg, Kentucky, Appalshop’s mission is to enlist the power of art to document, interpret, and revitalize the traditions and contemporary creativity of Appalachia; to tell stories the commercial cultural industries do not, challenging stereotypes with Appalachian visions and voices; to support communities’ efforts to achieve justice and equity; to promote cultural diversity, pluralism, and human rights as positive social values; and to participate in regional, national, and global movements toward these ends.

General Operations
Amount | $66,250 |
Year(s) | 2022-2023 |
Region | Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Eastern Kentucky |
Letcher County Culture Hub
General Operations
Amount | $66,250 |
Year(s) | 2022-2023 |
Region | Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Eastern Kentucky |
Emergency Funding for Letcher County Culture Hub
Amount | $10,000 |
Year(s) | 2022 |
Region | Eastern Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Eastern Kentucky |
Emergency Funding
Amount | $10,000 |
Year(s) | 2022 |
Region | Eastern Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Eastern Kentucky |
Letcher County Culture Hub
General Operations
Amount | $44,000 |
Year(s) | 2021 |
Region | Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Eastern Kentucky |
General Operations
Amount | $35,200 |
Year(s) | 2021 |
Region | Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Eastern Kentucky |
Mutual Aid Support
Amount | $10,000 |
Year(s) | 2021 |
Region | Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Mutual Aid Support |
Eastern Kentucky Social Club (EKSC)
The Eastern Kentucky Social Club will use this Kentucky Pooled Fund grant for building repairs in Lynch, Kentucky. In particular, the EKSC will patch a hole in the roof and purchase a new refrigerator.
Amount | $5,000 |
Year(s) | 2020 |
Region | Eastern Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Eastern Kentucky |
Emergency Funding for COVID-19
This grant supports public education campaigns warning mining families of the dangers of COVID-19, a local Appalachian newspaper, and community support funds.
Amount | $5,000 |
Year(s) | 2020 |
Region | Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Eastern Kentucky |
Letcher County Culture Hub, Emergency Funding for COVID-19
This grant will provide supplies and assistance through relief programs like meal delivery; support for emergency responders such as local volunteer fire departments; and distribution of utility and rent support funds for Culture Hub organizations facing a sudden loss of critical revenue due to event cancellations, halt of business activities, and gatherings.
Amount | $10,000 |
Year(s) | 2020 |
Region | Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Eastern Kentucky, Cultural Organizing |
Letcher County Culture Hub
Letcher County Culture Hub is a growing collaboration among community centers, artist and artisan organizations, business associations, volunteer fire departments, elected officials, government and educational organizations, and local for- and nonprofit corporations, convened and facilitated by community organizers at Appalshop.
Amount | $50,000 |
Year(s) | 2019-2020 |
Region | Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Eastern Kentucky, Cultural Organizing |
Making Connections: Creating an Appalachian Restoration Narrative
Working in consultation with organizations leading efforts to transition to a just and sustainable economy throughout the region, Making Connections News produces and disseminates culturally grounded multi-media stories that build support within central Appalachia for development policies and practices that accelerate a transition away from an economy based on environmentally destructive fossil fuels extraction to one that is sustainable and just.
Amount | $80,000 |
Year(s) | 2019-2020 |
Region | Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Eastern Kentucky, Cultural Organizing |
Letcher County Culture Hub
Letcher County Culture Hub is a growing collaboration among community centers, artist and artisan organizations, business associations, volunteer fire departments, elected officials, government and educational organizations, and local for- and nonprofit corporations, convened and facilitated by community organizers at Appalshop.
Amount | $40,000 |
Year(s) | 2017-2018 |
Region | Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Eastern Kentucky, Cultural Organizing |
International Conference on Penal Abolition
The conference was composed of activities and workshops that seek to build and strengthen local and international movements for social justice and penal abolition.
Amount | $1,980 |
Year(s) | 2018 |
Region | Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Travel |
Making Connections: Creating an Appalachian Restoration Narrative
Working in collaboration with organizations leading efforts to transition to a greener, inclusive and equitable economy throughout the region, Making Connections will produce and disseminate culturally grounded multi-media stories that build support within central Appalachia for development polices and practices that reduce dependency on environmentally destructive fossil fuels and accelerate a just transition.
Amount | $80,000 |
Year(s) | 2017-2018 |
Region | Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Eastern Kentucky, Cultural Organizing |
Making Connections: Creating an Appalachian Restoration Narrative
A narrative-based strategic communications initiative and public education campaign led by Appalshop's Community Media Initiative (CMI) and WMMT-FM
Amount | $80,000 |
Year(s) | 2015-2016 |
Region | Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Eastern Kentucky, Cultural Organizing |
Weeklong Creative Change Retreat in Sundance, Utah
Travel to the Creative Change Retreat in Sundance, Utah
Amount | $1,520 |
Year(s) | 2014 |
Region | Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Travel |
Making Connections: Building Support for a Thriving Appalachia
Narrative-based strategic communications initiative that produces and disseminates culturally grounded multimedia stories that build support in central Appalachia and beyond for development policies and practices that decrease destructive mining activity and accelerate a just transition toward thriving communities throughout the region
Amount | $50,000 |
Year(s) | 2014 |
Region | Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Eastern Kentucky, Cultural Organizing |
General Operations
Amount | $5,000 |
Year(s) | 2013 |
Region | Kentucky |
Primary Approach | Collaboration and Movement Building |