Better Future Project (BFP)
BFP was founded by a student leader, a community leader, and a faith leader to combine their various constituencies together into a powerful, unified movement.
BFP builds a powerful grassroots movement to confront the fossil fuel industry and meet our energy needs without contributing to climate change, oppression, or human suffering.

General Operations
Amount | $50,000 |
Year(s) | 2017-2018 |
Region | Massachusetts |
Primary Approach | Collaboration and Movement Building |
General Operations
Amount | $75,000 |
Year(s) | 2016 |
Region | Massachusetts |
Primary Approach | Collaboration and Movement Building |
General Operations
Amount | $200,000 |
Year(s) | 2014, 2015 |
Region | Massachusetts |
Primary Approach | Collaboration and Movement Building |
General Operations
Amount | $50,000 |
Year(s) | 2013 |
Region | Massachusetts |
Primary Approach | Collaboration and Movement Building |
General Operations
Amount | $25,000 |
Year(s) | 2012 |
Region | Massachusetts |
Primary Approach | Collaboration and Movement Building |