The Working World (TWW)

TWW uses innovative people-centered financing and worker development to create community-led economic projects and asset building that is owned by people and rooted in place.

TWW partners with community organizers and entrepreneurs who want to create businesses that stem from, and help solve, real needs. These businesses are set up as worker owned cooperatives, or democratic workplaces. TWW helps develop cooperatives through lending/financial readiness, and by providing technical assistance and business planning expertise.

Learn more about TWW’s work. Read A New Era for Workers: A Chicago Factory Goes Cooperative.


General Operations
Amount $400,000
Year(s) 2019-2022
Region US
Primary Approach Movement Support Organization
Cooperation Buffalo and the Crossroads Collective
General Operations
Amount $60,000
Year(s) 2020-2022
Region Buffalo
Primary Approach Just Transition in Buffalo
Cooperation Buffalo/Crossroads Collective 2018 & 2019
The organization plans to build out its three main programming areas: cooperative business incubation; popular education; and ecosystem development.
Amount $40,000
Year(s) 2019
Region Buffalo
Primary Approach Just Transition in Buffalo
Emergency Funding COVID-19
Support for Seed Commons' rapid response fund which supports workers at cooperatives that are facing closure or business disruption due to COVID-19.
Amount $10,000
Year(s) 2020
Region US
Primary Approach Movement Support Organization
DAWI/USFWC Worker Cooperative National Conference
Travel to the Worker Cooperative National Conference
Amount $3,645
Year(s) 2018
Region Buffalo
Primary Approach Travel
The Peer Network and Financial Cooperative
Our Financial Cooperative and Peer Network project commenced in 2015 with the aim of building a cooperative network of funds across the country.The Peer Network provides shared learning for the necessary skills, and the Financial Cooperative provides shared capital to build businesses. Now, we want to grow the network across the US, and strengthen the financial capacity of our existing Peer loan funds.
Amount $200,000
Year(s) 2017-2018
Region US
Primary Approach Movement Support Organization
ESC Community Solidarity Project
Provision of technical assistance and business planning support to help launch the Energy Solidarity Cooperative
Amount $60,000
Year(s) 2014
Region California
Primary Approach Movement Support Organization