Ujima Company
The mission of Ujima Company, Inc. (UCI) is to advance the interest and exposure of the performing arts as created and interpreted by African Americans, by providing working opportunities for established artists and training experience for aspiring artists.

General Operating Support for Just Transition Buffalo: Crossroads Collective
The Chorus Foundation funded Crossroads Collective, an alliance of nine Buffalo-based organizations dedicated to creating a green and equitable community advocating for structural economic change and energy democracy. Ujima will use devised theatre to highlight campaigns and integrate artistic practice to base build on just transition principles. Ujima will also administer the arts integration budget of $20,000 from the Chorus Foundation for just transition work in Buffalo through the Crossroads Collective.
Amount | $160,000 |
Year(s) | 2019-2022 |
Region | Buffalo |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Buffalo |
Emergency Funding COVID-19
This grant will help replace lost funding due to the cancellation of Ujima's theater season.
Amount | $10,000 |
Year(s) | 2020 |
Region | Buffalo |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Buffalo |
Three Day Free Fred Brown Performance in Columbus, Ohio
Travel to perform Free Fred Brown in Columbus, Ohio.
Amount | $8,244 |
Year(s) | 2019 |
Region | Buffalo, New York; Columbus, Ohio |
Primary Approach | Travel |
NESAWG for Art & Food Justice Movement Building Workshop
Travel to Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (NESAWG) for Art & Food Justice Movement Building Workshop.
Amount | $3,358 |
Year(s) | 2018 |
Region | Buffalo |
Primary Approach | Travel |
General Operating Support for Just Transition Buffalo: Crossroads Collective
Crossroads Collective is an alliance of nine Buffalo-based organizations dedicated to creating a green and equitable community: advocating for structural economic change, and energy democracy. Ujima will use devised theatre to highlight campaigns, and integrate artistic practice to base build on just transition principles.
Amount | $90,000 |
Year(s) | 2017-2018 |
Region | Buffalo |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Buffalo |
Just Transition Buffalo Collaborative
Prompted by the opportunity to partner with Chorus to achieve long-term structural change, two anchor partners (PUSH Buffalo and Open Buffalo) and six supporting partners (the Massachusetts Avenue Project (MAP), the Partnership for the Public Good (PPG), the Public Accountability Initiative (PAI), the Coalition for Economic Justice (CEJ), the WASH Project and Ujima Theatre) have coalesced to form the Just Transition Buffalo Collaborative.
Amount | $50,000 |
Year(s) | 2016 |
Region | Buffalo |
Primary Approach | Just Transition in Buffalo |